Friday, August 17, 2012

Why America is fat... The future of our children...

I remembered back in my child days I was ALWAYS outside. Any no school day I couldn't wait to get outside with my friends and do all kinds of things like, riding bikes, playing tag, making fake club houses, pretending to be in the gymnastics etc... My friends and I loved it. A parent couldn't pay us to go inside. During school days it was get off the bus, run home, do homework then chores and hurry and get as much play time as possible in before the street lights. Ahhh.... the GREAT YEARS.

I remember my parent cooking full course meals and being creative with different varieties of food. I loved home cooked meals... Oh and yes, that included vegetables. When we would ask my mom or dad for fast food sometimes they would say yes, most times they would say no. My moms favorite line when we asked to go to burger king was yes we are going to BK and when we said YAAAYYY she would say Brenda's Kitchen. LMAOOOO that's STILL funny to me. It tickles me how clever my parents are.

As I look at the last few years I noticed a trend. A huge one. Kids are getting so HUGE at a young age. I don't really care that I shouldn't say that or that your kid may be one or that you thought I was out of line. The reality is parents arent making their kids go outside, or do any physical activity of any kind. Not even chores. Parents arent forcing children to eat vegetables and on top of that not making them eat anything that is on the pyramid except the sugars section. I will say those types of parent DRIVE ME.... Seriously, you are the parent be that. The amount of hormones that are in foods these days and whatever else we dont even know about is just a sick thought. You want your children to eat that?? GROSS.

Parents, Wanna know why your daughter has a butt and growing breasts at a young age? Too early it seems? You have the hormones in food to thank for that. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

McDonald's isn't a meal, nor is burger king, taco bell, or anyother pull up to the window place. Take your lazy self home and cook. Oh and lay off the fried foods. Please purchase a child a bike and skates before you buy an xbox. Thanks in advance


-A Concerned Major.


  1. Replies
    1. Real talk. I stopped eatin McDonalds back in 2007 bekause its disgusting and all other drive throughs abt 5 months ago. Going outside is like a "thing of the past" no. From hide n seek, football in the street, freeze tag to the world famous "red light green light"...these kids dont know what theyre missing. Shit even knockin on doors and running was fun lol. And parents wonder why theyre kids are huge because fast food and technology has made them "overweight" and lazy.
