Monday, August 22, 2011

Men and their wedding rings.

Lately, I have noticed a lot of people getting married. Younger couples are starting to make their own "rules" for their marriages. Whenever I see these couples I noticed that either no one is wearing a wedding ring OR one of them isn't. I always wondered why one isn't... Especially if its the man because it seems when the man doesn't wear his ring the wives seem to dismiss it or they may have an attitude about it but "mums the word" about it. The man always has an excuse like, "it itches" or "it attracts more women" or "I work in a field where i cant wear it" to me it all seems like BS. Truthfully... I don't think that ANY of those reasons are true and if they are why don't women make those excuses? Do women naturally have "non itch fingers" or is the wedding ring a force field around us and no man will talk to us if we wear ours? Or do jobs only allow women to wear their rings and its banned for men? Don't worry, Ill wait for a real reason.... The reason I am asking this and why i am so puzzled about it is because the men that DON'T wear their wedding rings are the SAME EXACT men that would have an entire baby about their wives not wearing theirs. Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's a HUGE double standard. I just want to know the real reason? I know there is that saying where "its not cheating if you don't wear your ring" and i want to know if most men stand by that? I am pretty open-minded and i feel that if a husband can make excuses as to why he should not wear his ring, I would like to know why it IS NOT okay for a wife to do the same? I mean as a husband and wife and everyone who was at your wedding saw you take vows to become husband and wife and that the rings were exchanged AND they said the rings bound you together until death do you part am i right? I feel that whether you're a husband or a wife those rings need to be worn all the time until the end OR no one should have to wear them. One shouldn't be "allowed" and the other "has to". Maybe that's me and my crazy thought process and I don't know any better because I am not yet married. If that's the case let that be the reason, but I know what foul smells like when stench is in the air. This is just food for thought *Shrug* -Major

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I was having a conversation with my friends a few days ago and I had a question that bothered a lot of women we were with… My question was, If a girl and a guy end up getting pregnant and he is all on board… Fully involved with the pregnancy, making sure your comfortable, making sure the baby comes into the world happy, making sure the child isn’t without and everything and you KNOW he is going to be like the greatest father, is there something wrong with him testing the child after they come? Whats so wrong with it? Personally I thought about it and i think in this day and age it is TOTALLY necessary. Would this make another woman feel a type of way? I feel like a lot of women “trick” dudes into taking care of another man’s responsibility. I think its unfair. Is it saying he doesn’t trust you? In my opinion, no. I feel like someone can trust someone but you can never be “too protective” of your OWN neck at the same time. As much as you want to trust someone you HAVE to make sure YOUR taken care of too. This to me doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with that particular female. I feel like its a precaution that men should be able to take. I see nothing wrong with it. Am i wrong?


There are five things that you cannot recover in life:(1) The Stone………..after it’s thrown,(2) The Word……………after it’s said,(3) The Occasion……after it’s missed, and(4) The Time………….after it’s gone.(5) A person……………after they die


I used to love you.
But I can’t anymore.
This makes no sense
I’m walking out the door.

I want all my stuff
If you want to fight keep it
If I would have known
That it would come to this.
I would have left a long time ago

Now is not the time to dwell
I can’t allow this to happen again
I consumed myself with you
Maybe even lost who I am
Everything I used to do
Is a thing of the past
Im tired of these circles
Not to mention your lying, cheating, @$$

I can’t take this anymore
I used to love you
I have my bags, don’t try and stop me at the door
From the first time you said hello
I should have said goodbye
You wouldn’t leave it alone
So I decided to give you a try

I guess it’s safe to say
That I made my own bed
Dealing with you in the first place
For allowing you in my head.
I should have been real with myself
I knew you weren’t the one
So now the damage is done.

Time for me to spread my wings
Allow me time to do me
Never will I come back
So please don’t ask
You didn’t want me when you had me
And I know you’re starting to see
You really had something good
And you didn’t treat me like you should



Every time I see you my heart melts,
It’s like you light my soul on fire. There is nothing more that I want
I want all of you, mind, body, and soul.
No one looks at me the way you do
It’s been months and…
love is still strong,
I can’t get away from you.
I am moving on
Slowly but surely,

You seem to keep appearing in my life.
Yes, I love you.
No, I don’t want to.
I need to leave you.
Need to flee you.
You’re addicting.
I am

On a drug,


Off you, no good
For me.
Your love is intoxicating, vigorous,
Yet dangerous, and damaging.
Whenever we touch
Im in love all over again,
I can’t take it but,
I need it….Need you
It hurts but it feels so good.
How do I decide?
Constantly rings in my mind
What’s good… or bad?
Im addicted. I think it’s good
I need to check myself into rehab
Get rid of you….
This disease
I don’t want to quit….I need to quit
I want you, need you.
Want to breathe you.
All the hazardous fumes, I love it
I love you. No, I need you
I’m addicted *ShaunaMarie* 


don’t know very many women who have lost children but i personally know about it. Sometimes i wonder if i am dealing with it appropriately… Like what comes next? Am i coping the right way? What about people who let themselves die right with their child? If your in love with the person you had a baby with and your no longer preparing for parenthood what happens with the two of you? Is the relationship strained or should it bring you closer… This is deep for a mother… This is deep for a father. Especially if the father was just as excited as you are if not more. Where do you go from there?


I never understood the how the “baby mama” works.
I also don’t get the “bitter woman syndrome” either.
This is my perception of the “baby mama” “bitter woman syndrome” Now correct me if im wrong, and if I am then I will and can apologize… BUT… Answer me this…
Ladies, why is it that when you are having casual sex with a man you think that you are owner of him? Was that ever established? Why do you go through his phone on purpose? you know when you look for it you will find it right? Then you have the audacity to find out that he is seeing other people, BUT you dont quit him BUT you want to fight the girl he was messing with? Um, where is the logic in that? 9/10 dude is telling YOU and HER the same thing… and she is falling just like you.
Ladies? Please explain to me why you can have the BEST man possible but you still put him down? Disrespect him?
So, he cooks, cleans, writes you little notes goes over and beyond to help you out and make you happy, but you cant please him? Still call him out of his name? Still talk to other men in an innapropriate manner? still want more and more?
Why must you walk around with that PERMANANT FUNK on your face? Why dont you smile?
 Why is speaking proper english and no tattoo’s and him not wearing his pants hanging off his ass, considered ”acting white”? Last time i checked no one could “act” a color. To me that isnt a sign of anything but proper upbringing/teachings and someone you would want a son to learn from…
“Baby mama’s”
Is money really more important than the father of the child spending time????? Are you hitting that mans pockets THAT HARD because you are mad that you and him didnt work? That you were a jump off??? Or is it because your child really needs ALL OF the name brand this and that? Seriously, what exactly are you doing with your life? So wait… He can cash you out all the time whenever he has it right? What happens when he wants to see the child? He cant? Why not?
Please stop being trifling and making that mans life miserable just because you are. You are bitter and selfish and truth be told the only person who is going to look bad later on in your childs eyes…
Have fun explaining that to him/her.
Why is it that your child knows all you “male friends”? must you bring EVERY MAN around get the child(ren) attached and you KNOW that he isnt gonna last or that you are a jump off? Why are you at the club every weekend with your rainbow outfit on looking for the next “baller” or “baby daddy”? Have a seat.
Why are you looking for a rich man when you sit at home, no goals, no ambition, just a baby maker?  You want to be kept? you only can get what you can give in the long run…
Please have some dignity and respect. Women wonder why men treat us certain ways and its because you are only going to GET the respect you DEMAND. You don’t DEMAND it verbally… You demand it by dress, the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, the way you take care of YOUR BUSINESS…
So ladies… let’s strive for a better 2011 and stop opening our legs for every man that tells us something nice and take time to get to know a person before you lay with him. THE MEN YOU DATE ARENT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DADDY ISSUES… GET COUNSELING IF NEEDED, HANDLE YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS. If your personal business isnt in check, you should re-evaluate your life and get it together.


Ho years are what I define as the time in a female/males life where they wild out for however long of time in order to “get it all out” My question is this: If a man/female cheats on you repeatedly… why do you stay? continue to go back? I’m definitely not going to say that there are plenty of people out there for everyone though… Because as many eligble mates as there may be that doesnt mean that they are for you. Men and women need to be free and should start to embrace being single before they decide that they want to settle down. I never understood how people get married super young and there is all this cheating going on along with “what-if’s” and wondering what its like out there. I dont believe that a women/man should marry their first unless its later down the line because eventually you are going to get the “itch” and i dont care what you say… YOU WILL.
Women need to stop trying to marry the first guy that proposes to them… Unless you know he is for you then DON’T do it… The divorce rate is too high.
Women and men that feel like they “have to have someone there… is just selfish and rude. Get whatever you need from wherever you need it from but let it be know what you are doing because playing with people’s heart is just wrong… End of that discussion
Back to my “ho years” spew though….
What is the point of being with someone that you know you arent ready for? Male or female? If you aren’t willing to commit for whatever reason let him/her go and do what you need to do… If its in the “contract” then you will find each other again.
I dont care what anyone says the main reason people catch STD’s is because of relationships that at least one of the people havent gotten their ho years out and cheats and is irresponsible with their indescretions.
In conclusion… Please get your ho years out of the way before you try and have a relationship. Dont be selfish and put someone through that just because you arent man/woman enough to admit that you arent ready… All jokes aside someone might be more willing to let you work out your “kinks” and see what happens later.
Judge me… Im used to it.
Instant gratification only gets you back to square one. 

*Random Thought*

Square peg, round hole…. Doesn’t fit. Sometimes things just don’t work

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Negative People in the workplace

While I have always known about "negativity in the workplace" but personally I have never been a victim of it until now. I could never understand why certain people don't understand that in a workplace some people are going to click immediately, eventually or even sometimes never. Some people will be asked to do special projects, some will seem to "get away with" more than others. The thing is, one can never judge the reason as to why someone is being treated one way according to an onlooker. Think about it like this: Someone who is always in trouble for whatever reason, being passed up for promotions, being written up etc. by a specific supervisor and the supervisor and the employee seem to have a disdain for one another, another employee may ask "hey how is this supervisor" or maybe even "I'm thinking of coming to your team/department. Immediately the instinct of the bitter employee is to spew venom about that specific supervisor. This unfortunately leaves a sour taste in ones mouth and makes them think that it may be the supervisor who is being unreasonable, mean etc.

The goal is to come to work with a positive attitude. Positive thoughts bring positive results and positive recognition in a work place comes from hard work and dedication. Dressing for success, working well with others as well as being a team player, keeping a smile on all the time and being delightful is refreshing for any employer to see. Work is called work for a reason and one should always smile through the pressure and stress that comes along with it. There are so many people out there without jobs without income and feeling like if they could get that one chance to succeed in life they would prove themselves worthy.

This is something that I have to remind myself of often and when things get stressful at work i have to remember that these people aren't always gonna be nice, friendly, helpful or pleasant. I have to stay true to myself and remember that I am at a place of business and that I am there to do my job. As long as i remember that i can shake the negative energy that is around me a lot of times...

Ill keep smiling instead of join in the misery parade. *smile*
