Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Negative People in the workplace

While I have always known about "negativity in the workplace" but personally I have never been a victim of it until now. I could never understand why certain people don't understand that in a workplace some people are going to click immediately, eventually or even sometimes never. Some people will be asked to do special projects, some will seem to "get away with" more than others. The thing is, one can never judge the reason as to why someone is being treated one way according to an onlooker. Think about it like this: Someone who is always in trouble for whatever reason, being passed up for promotions, being written up etc. by a specific supervisor and the supervisor and the employee seem to have a disdain for one another, another employee may ask "hey how is this supervisor" or maybe even "I'm thinking of coming to your team/department. Immediately the instinct of the bitter employee is to spew venom about that specific supervisor. This unfortunately leaves a sour taste in ones mouth and makes them think that it may be the supervisor who is being unreasonable, mean etc.

The goal is to come to work with a positive attitude. Positive thoughts bring positive results and positive recognition in a work place comes from hard work and dedication. Dressing for success, working well with others as well as being a team player, keeping a smile on all the time and being delightful is refreshing for any employer to see. Work is called work for a reason and one should always smile through the pressure and stress that comes along with it. There are so many people out there without jobs without income and feeling like if they could get that one chance to succeed in life they would prove themselves worthy.

This is something that I have to remind myself of often and when things get stressful at work i have to remember that these people aren't always gonna be nice, friendly, helpful or pleasant. I have to stay true to myself and remember that I am at a place of business and that I am there to do my job. As long as i remember that i can shake the negative energy that is around me a lot of times...

Ill keep smiling instead of join in the misery parade. *smile*


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