Thursday, August 18, 2011


I was having a conversation with my friends a few days ago and I had a question that bothered a lot of women we were with… My question was, If a girl and a guy end up getting pregnant and he is all on board… Fully involved with the pregnancy, making sure your comfortable, making sure the baby comes into the world happy, making sure the child isn’t without and everything and you KNOW he is going to be like the greatest father, is there something wrong with him testing the child after they come? Whats so wrong with it? Personally I thought about it and i think in this day and age it is TOTALLY necessary. Would this make another woman feel a type of way? I feel like a lot of women “trick” dudes into taking care of another man’s responsibility. I think its unfair. Is it saying he doesn’t trust you? In my opinion, no. I feel like someone can trust someone but you can never be “too protective” of your OWN neck at the same time. As much as you want to trust someone you HAVE to make sure YOUR taken care of too. This to me doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with that particular female. I feel like its a precaution that men should be able to take. I see nothing wrong with it. Am i wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I dont see anything wrong with it either. I always told myself unless Im already talking to my girlfriend at the time about marriage or making "long term" relationship plans I'll be getting a DNA test on our child just to make sure I am who he or she will be calling father, dad, pops etc.. And well, if she gets an attitude about it then to me, that means something. If you didnt step out on me, never cheated, never thought to, then me making sure the child is indeed half of my genetic pool should not bother you. Yea I understand, its gonna make you cringe a lil bit, but thats all it should do. But thats just how I feel. --SYRYS J--
