Monday, August 22, 2011

Men and their wedding rings.

Lately, I have noticed a lot of people getting married. Younger couples are starting to make their own "rules" for their marriages. Whenever I see these couples I noticed that either no one is wearing a wedding ring OR one of them isn't. I always wondered why one isn't... Especially if its the man because it seems when the man doesn't wear his ring the wives seem to dismiss it or they may have an attitude about it but "mums the word" about it. The man always has an excuse like, "it itches" or "it attracts more women" or "I work in a field where i cant wear it" to me it all seems like BS. Truthfully... I don't think that ANY of those reasons are true and if they are why don't women make those excuses? Do women naturally have "non itch fingers" or is the wedding ring a force field around us and no man will talk to us if we wear ours? Or do jobs only allow women to wear their rings and its banned for men? Don't worry, Ill wait for a real reason.... The reason I am asking this and why i am so puzzled about it is because the men that DON'T wear their wedding rings are the SAME EXACT men that would have an entire baby about their wives not wearing theirs. Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's a HUGE double standard. I just want to know the real reason? I know there is that saying where "its not cheating if you don't wear your ring" and i want to know if most men stand by that? I am pretty open-minded and i feel that if a husband can make excuses as to why he should not wear his ring, I would like to know why it IS NOT okay for a wife to do the same? I mean as a husband and wife and everyone who was at your wedding saw you take vows to become husband and wife and that the rings were exchanged AND they said the rings bound you together until death do you part am i right? I feel that whether you're a husband or a wife those rings need to be worn all the time until the end OR no one should have to wear them. One shouldn't be "allowed" and the other "has to". Maybe that's me and my crazy thought process and I don't know any better because I am not yet married. If that's the case let that be the reason, but I know what foul smells like when stench is in the air. This is just food for thought *Shrug* -Major

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