Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ho years are what I define as the time in a female/males life where they wild out for however long of time in order to “get it all out” My question is this: If a man/female cheats on you repeatedly… why do you stay? continue to go back? I’m definitely not going to say that there are plenty of people out there for everyone though… Because as many eligble mates as there may be that doesnt mean that they are for you. Men and women need to be free and should start to embrace being single before they decide that they want to settle down. I never understood how people get married super young and there is all this cheating going on along with “what-if’s” and wondering what its like out there. I dont believe that a women/man should marry their first unless its later down the line because eventually you are going to get the “itch” and i dont care what you say… YOU WILL.
Women need to stop trying to marry the first guy that proposes to them… Unless you know he is for you then DON’T do it… The divorce rate is too high.
Women and men that feel like they “have to have someone there… is just selfish and rude. Get whatever you need from wherever you need it from but let it be know what you are doing because playing with people’s heart is just wrong… End of that discussion
Back to my “ho years” spew though….
What is the point of being with someone that you know you arent ready for? Male or female? If you aren’t willing to commit for whatever reason let him/her go and do what you need to do… If its in the “contract” then you will find each other again.
I dont care what anyone says the main reason people catch STD’s is because of relationships that at least one of the people havent gotten their ho years out and cheats and is irresponsible with their indescretions.
In conclusion… Please get your ho years out of the way before you try and have a relationship. Dont be selfish and put someone through that just because you arent man/woman enough to admit that you arent ready… All jokes aside someone might be more willing to let you work out your “kinks” and see what happens later.
Judge me… Im used to it.

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